





Contact between a moving object and a stationary object.


Offshore components of Ossian, including infrastructure such as wind turbines, offshore substation platforms, and inter-array/interconnector cables.

Array application

Term used to refer to the applications associated with the Array. The Applicant is applying for the following consents as part of this application: a Section 36 consent under the Electricity Act 1989 and marine licence(s) under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.

Array EIA Scoping Report

Scoping Report assessing the offshore infrastructure associated with the Array, situated within the site boundary

Automatic Identification System

A system by which vessels automatically broadcast their identity, key statistics including location, destination, length, speed, and current status, e.g., under power. Most commercial vessels and United Kingdom (UK)/European Union (EU) fishing vessels over 15 m length are required to carry AIS.

Berwick Bank Wind Farm

An offshore wind farm in the vicinity of Ossian, located 56.77 km away from the site boundary


Phylum of aquatic invertebrates, often living in sessile colonies


Phylum of aquatic invertebrates, which can be sessile or free-swimming depending on species. They have specialised stinging capsules known as nematocysts.


Contact between moving objects.

Designed in Measures

Mitigation measures which are included in the design of the Array that help to reduce the impact of the Array. As these mitigation measures are ‘designed in’ to the project design, the EIA can be undertaken assuming that these measures will be delivered and, as a result, there is no potential for any effects which might arise without these designed in measures occurring. An example of a designed in measure would be the development of, and adherence to, an appropriate Code of Construction Practice (CoCP).

Diadromous fish

A fish that migrates between fresh water and sea water to complete its life cycle


Poorly sorted mixed sediments


Phylum of aquatic invertebrates which are characterised by a hard, spiny covering or skin. Includes starfish, sea urchins, and brittle stars.

Ecological Impact Assessment

Assessment of the ecological impacts of a plan, project, or activity.

Environmental Impact Assessment

Assessment of the consequences to the environment of a plan, project or activity


Flora or fauna that live on the seabed


Animals living on the seabed


Broadscale habitat maps produced by EMODnet for Europe

Grab sample

A field survey technique used to sample benthic flora, fauna, and sediments


Animals that live in the sediments occurring on the sea floor

Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm

An offshore wind farm in the vicinity of Ossian, located 61.60 km away from the site boundary

Marine Guidance Note

A system of guidance notes issued by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) which provide significant advice relating to the improvement of the safety of shipping at sea, and to prevent or minimise pollution from shipping.

Marine Licence

Licence granted under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 and/or the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010.

Marine Scotland

Organisation whose purpose is to manage Scotland’s seas


International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships. Aims to minimize and prevent accidental and routine pollution from ships into the marine environment.

Mean High Water Springs

The highest level reached by the sea at high tide during mean high water spring tide. This is defined as the average throughout the year, of two successive high waters, during a 24-hour period in each month when the range of the tide is at its greatest.

Mean Low Water Springs

The lowest level reached by the sea at low tide during mean low water spring tide. This is defined as the average throughout the year, of two successive low waters, during a 24-hour period in each month when the range of the tide is at its greatest.


Accumulation of glacial debris

National Site Network

A network of core breeding and resting sites for rare and threatened species and habitats within the UK. Post Brexit, this has been adapted from the Natura 2000 network of sites to only include UK sites.

Navigational Risk Assessment

Document required by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) under Marine Guidance Note (MGN) 654 which assesses risk associated with on Offshore Renewable Energy Installation (OREI) to shipping and navigation users.

Numerous Boulder Field

Concentrations of between ≥ 20 boulders (which are >0.5m) within a maximum area of 2500 m2


An area that is suitable for young fish to grow and live

Occasional Boulder Field

Concentrations of between 5 and 20 boulders (which are >0.5m) within a maximum area of 2500 m2


Toothed whales, including harbour porpoise and bottlenose dolphin.

Option to Lease Agreement

Legal agreement from The Crown Estate/The Crown Estate Scotland whereby an option over an area of foreshore or seabed is granted to a developer for an agreed purpose. If required permissions are gained, the developer gains consent to use the option.


All components of the offshore wind farm, including the Array, the Proposed offshore export cable corridor(s), Proposed onshore cable corridor(s) and Proposed landfall location(s)

Ossian Offshore Wind Farm Limited (OWFL)

Joint venture between Scottish and Southern Energy Renewables (SSER), Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) and Marubeni Corporation (Marubeni).

OSPAR Convention

The Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic


Paraphyletic class of typically marine worms.

Project Design Envelope

Project Parameters that are assessed as part of the Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) for the Array

Proposed landfall location

The location at which the offshore export cables carrying power from the wind farm are brought ashore at MHWS to connect the offshore and onshore infrastructure. This is not subject of this EIA Scoping Report but comprises part of Ossian.

Proposed offshore export cable corridor(s)

The area within which the offshore export cable(s) will be located between the site boundary and MHWS. This is not subject of this Scoping Report but comprises part of Ossian.

Proposed onshore export cable corridor(s)

The area within which the onshore export cable(s) will be located between the landfall location at MLWS and the onshore substation. This is not subject of this Scoping Report but comprises part of Ossian.

Scottish Ministers

The devolved government of Scotland

Scottish offshore region

Scottish offshore waters between 12 nautical miles (nm) and 200 nm, as defined in the Marine and Coastal Access Act (MCAA) 2009 and the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010.

Seagreen 1 and Seagreen 1A

Offshore wind farm within the outer Firth of Forth, comprised of Seagreen 1 and Seagreen 1A. Prior to updates to the internal area of the array, this project was referred to as Seagreen Alpha and Seagreen Bravo Offshore Wind Farms. Thus, some data sources used in this document will reference these outdated names.

Section 36 consent

Consent which can be granted under Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 for the construction or extension, and operation, of an electricity generating station.

Site boundary

The offshore area in which the Array will be constructed.

Spawning Ground

Area where a fish leaves their eggs for fertilization and development

Technical Report

Report which will form part of the Array EIA Report and provide statutory and non-statutory consultees with technical information for the various receptor areas to facilitate understanding. Information included in Technical Reports may include baseline characterisation, analysis of site-specific data, and further modelling studies, as appropriate to the specific topic. This information will inform the topic specific EIA.

The Applicant

Ossian OWFL